
Welcome to Emuholic’s Game Blog

I set this game blog up originally just to give my reviews a homepage but it has since been updated to include a few other bits and pieces. I am not looking to compete with big (or even small) games sites and post every bit of news as it is released, instead I will only be posting the interesting or different news. The main purpose of the site will be for reviews of the games I play, of which I aim to publish a review every two weeks or if time and the game allows it more often. In between the reviews I will be publishing a weekly update of games I have been playing, bargain games prices (maybe called Budget Gamer), occasional articles and as mentioned above some games news. This is a test site and I am free to run with any good ideas so please let me know if you have any and we will see where it goes.

I have started the site with a review of the Xbox Primetime game 1 vs 100 which you can read in the post below. It is my first games review that I have wrote so I hope that you enjoy reading it. I would like to take the opportunity to say thanks to Trez, Matt, Donskeeto and especially to Strybe from Hi-Score who provided some excellent advice when I was writing the review. I am currently working on a review for Madballs: Babo Invasion which should be online later in the week as well as a short article on the Xbox Dashboard update preview program.

I wont bore you any longer so please check out the site and if you have a moment or two please leave a comment. Thank you for visiting and I hope you all return!


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