Firstly, thanks to the IncaBlocks developers for kindly donating the codes for the giveaway, please read our review of it here and try the game here.
So onto the winners, first up is the comments based giveaway. The winner was picked at random by and it is Mario. Check your email shortly for the code.
The second winner was the Twitter based giveaway, the winner was again picked at random by and it is @krat3r. Check your DM shortly for the code.
The third code was a small puzzle posted Saturday on Twitter in which you had to guess the missing characters by following some clues. @hemang27shah worked it out first and won the code.
Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to everyone that entered. I might try some new ideas for the next code giveaway as there always seems to be the same few people entering. I want to get people more involved in the site so I will be trying some new ideas like choosing people from random comments on the site.