
The Ooganis have a secret!

OREM, Utah July 1, 2010 – A hidden surprise is in store for those who beat this week’s newest Xbox LIVE® Arcade game, Ancients of Ooga. But if players aren’t careful, they just might miss it.

Ancients of Ooga has two endings,” said John Nielson, president of J. Kenworthy Entertainment and creator of Ancients of Ooga. “The normal ending happens for those who just play to get through the adventure quickly. But the secret, more spectacular ending only activates for those who can raise their Ooga score high enough.”

Just how high? 650,000+ points. Earning that score can require a completionist’s mentality, but not necessarily 100 percent completion of the game. Nielson gave these suggestions to help players surpass the elusive 650K mark:

·       Complete the levels.

·       Die as little as possible.

·       Collect as many bones of the Ancient One as possible.

·       Collect as many spices as possible.

·       Swallow as many of the items in Ooga as you can find.

·       Kill as many enemies as possible.

·       Rescue every Oogani you can.

Ancients of Ooga drew much of it’s inspiration from J. Kenworthy Entertainment and NinjaBee’s previous XBLA hit Cloning Clyde and was often billed as the game’s spiritual successor. In line with that inspiration, the alternate ending includes a unique tie-in to Cloning Clyde that should make Clyde fans grin.

“I don’t want to spoil anything, but I will say the hidden ending gives a huge nod to J. Kenworthy Entertainment’s first XBLA game, Cloning Clyde,” Nielson said. “Clyde fans won’t be disappointed.”

Ancients of Ooga was released this week on the Xbox LIVE® Marketplace and is currently available for 800 Microsoft Points.


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