
A World of Keflings to receive DLC soon

[xy_game]NinjaBee Games released new DLC for their XBLA title, Ancients of Ooga, this week. At the same time this sparked my personal interest surrounding A World of Keflings. After asking NinjaBee Games if DLC is on the way for their latest Keflings title, we were told – yes!

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We’ve got some pretty big DLC that’s almost ready to release. There’s no date yet to speak of, but we hope to announce it soon. Expect the DLC to bring acouple surprises, lots of new content and add a significant amount of gameplay.” said Andrew Hill, public relations representative for NinjaBee Games.

What would you like to see in terms of content? A new area, or new missions within an existing area? Tell us in the comments or on Twitter!


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