Some gamers are die-hard loyalists when it comes to their platform of choice and won’t play any other way. While this is acceptable and totally understandable, some hardcore gamers may be missing out if they’ve never tried an in-browser game. Have you ever hit a dry spell when it came to new releases, had to take your mind off of a game you were eagerly awaiting, or didn’t want to pay for a game that kept you on the fence? Not only are in-browser games convenient to play at home or on the go, but a great number of them are free to play.
One of the downsides to in-browser games is the vast quantity of games at your fingertips. Honestly, the results can be a bit overwhelming and not every game is fun or worth your time (although fun is in the eye of the gamer). Here are some tips for weeding out the not-so-great ones and focusing on the fun:
Read Reviews
All sites relating to gaming would cease to exist without some sort of discussion surrounding a game and whether or not it was worth playing, but as with all things, it’s really up to each individual gamer. If you are a big believer in following a review, and not your curiosity, then by all means, look for reviews.
If you’re new to the in-browser game world, you may find that a review can help you make initial decisions. For instance, if you’re searching for the best online casino, reading reviews and even a little advice from expert gamblers can help you select a fun and safe online casino. Whether you invest in a peer review or a discussion website, gather some general info and then get to playing.
Browse by Cost
There’s always a gamer or two who swear that the games that cost the most are the only ones worth playing. While there may be some truth to that thought, think about the most expensive game you ever purchased. Did you play it all the time because it was fun or because you wanted to get your money’s worth? Either way, video games can be expensive and while a lot of hard work goes into creating a game, there’s nothing more disappointing that paying a lot for a game that turns out to be a dud.
One of the nice things about in-browser games is that you can narrow your search by looking for “free to play” and if a game turns out to be less fun than you had hoped, you lost nothing but a little bit of quality game time. In-browser games allow you to indulge in a little trial and error without risking a loss to your wallet.
Pick Your Favorite Genre
Maybe you only typically play platform or survival horror games, but you’ve been wanting to try out Action RPG (but don’t want to pay for a console game with the hopes that you’ll enjoy it). In-browser games, just like all other kinds of video games, are available in a variety of genres and since they are convenient and inexpensive, they can encourage hesitant gamers to branch out a bit.
Although not every in-browser game is fun to play or worth the time, you should be able to find the right game by refining your search to your playing needs and wants.