
Watch Dogs 2 Gets Demo | PlayStation 4/Xbox One

[xy_game]Watch Dogs 2 was easily the biggest surprise of the year for me personally in 2016. I hated on Ubisoft, a lot, throughout the year. They’ve been releasing broken games, misleading people with inaccurate footage and details, and overcharging for what they offer consumers. However, they’ve done something different with Watch Dogs 2 – they listened to players complaints.

Watch Dogs 2 is sort of like Assassin’s Creed 2 for me. The first game is mediocre at best, but features some good idea – though complex and confusing controls, and sometimes repetitive actions are required… so it brings the game down. In each sequel though, they drastically improved everything, streamlined it well, and made it extremely enjoyable to play. If you’ve been on the fence about Watch Dogs 2, I highly suggest you try out this newly released demo (which arrives January 24th if you’re looking for the Xbox One version) and see how you like it. Give it a chance, I think you’ll be surprised.



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