
Nasty code winners

The deadline is past and it is time to announce the winners of this weeks code giveaway for the Indie Game Nasty. Thanks to everyone that entered and especially in the comments and your funny evil spacecraft names. Also thanks to the developers of Nasty for kindly donating two codes to us, please do check out my review of the game and play it afterwards, a really fun game!

First up is the winner for the comments based code giveaway. chose number 9 and the winner is OrR and his evil spacecraft name was the Vogon Construction Fleet 🙂 Congratulations OrR, please check your email shortly for your code.

The second code is for the Twitter giveaway. Before I announce the winner, can I make it clear that people must be following me to be a valid entry, and also using multiple accounts to enter is not allowed (you know who you are). After going through all the valid entries the winner is Walter Desmond aka @WDesm on twitter. Congratulations Walter, please check your DM inbox shortly for your code.

Thanks again to everyone that entered. My next weekly code giveaway is for the Indie Game War Ships, I might do something a bit different this week instead of a usual comment and twitter RT to enter, so keep an eye out on Tuesday for more details if I do go ahead with the idea.


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