Normally I wouldn’t post about DLC releases but this Modern Warfare 2 ‘Stimulus’ Map Pack warrants its own post. The princely sum of 1200 points gets you five maps in total; three new and two from CoD4. It is obvious that they are testing the water with the higher than usual points price and while it will undoubtedly go on to sell millions, there are the few that will refuse to purchase it because they are seeing what is happening. You can bet your life that other companies will start to charge 1200 for DLC at some point this year once the sales figures start rolling in.
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The Stimulus pack gets you fives maps, where are the Spec Ops missions and achievements? Throwing in two old maps and charging 400 more doesn’t cut it. CoD:WaW could manage three maps, a Zombie level/map and achievements for 800 points, with many people buying them only for the excellent Zombie levels! The map pack needs value if we are going to spend around £10/$15 and personally I do not see the value in the bigger picture.
As much as I am a fan of MW2, I refuse to spend 1200 points, not because I am too tight but because it is not worth it. As a sign of protest, a few friends and myself have bought Bad Company 2 in the past couple of days. We would rather buy a full new game for around £40 than spend £10 on a few maps. DLC should be reasonably priced and not a cash cow for companies to milk every penny they can out of us. The milk is turning sour Activision/Infinity Ward!
Are you a MW2 fan? Will you be purchasing the map pack or not? Let us know in the comments below.