

Street Fighter V – The Review

0 2298
Street Fighter V has launched, and this time around it’s got console exclusivity attached to the PlayStation 4, but should the Xbox One users actually be jealous?

Rocket League Launches to Xbox One

0 1812
It’s been available to PC and PlayStation 4 users since July 2015, but now it’s time for Xbox One users to join the fun with Rocket League. To help make up for the long wait, there’s a good handful…

Far Cry Primal – 101 Trailer

0 2049
Far Cry Primal releases in just under two weeks. Get yourself even more excited with this new trailer from Ubisoft.

Tom Clancy’s The Division, Open Beta begins soon

0 1951
Ubisoft® announced an Open Beta for Tom Clancy’s the Division which will take place February 19-21 on Xbox One, PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Windows PC and everyone can pre-load the content starting February 16.  Xbox One players will…

Firewatch Heading to PS4 this week

0 2315
Meet Firewatch. Developed by a small studio based in San Francisco, and published by Panic, Firewatch looks to please fans of the story-telling adventure genre with some stunning backdrops, and interesting features.

Rainbow Moon Launching on PS4

0 1806
Rainbow Moon, a sweet RPG that’s also available on PS3 and PS Vita, is also headed to PlayStation 4. The PS4 version features updated dialog, improved load times, and Cross-Save across PS4/PS3/Vita.

Valkyria Chronicles….Remastered! (Coming to PS4)

0 1355
Sega has announced some great news – they’re bringing back Valkyria Chronicles this spring to the PlayStation 4!

PlayStation Experience 2015 – No Man’s Sky

0 1645
Fans of No Man’s Sky will be excited to learn some new details about the game. Hello Games’ very own Sean Murray gives Shuhei Yoshida a chance to play the game and shares some information about it.

TRAILER – Rise of the Tomb Raider – Descent Into Legend

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As the release date grows closer, Square Enix is pushing Rise of the Tomb Raider a little harder to get the word out there and get people excited. Check out this latest trailer, titled “Descent Into Legend”, to see…

Gravity Rush 2 forces its way to PS4

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Gravity Rush is definitely one of the best games on the PS Vita (Yes, that handheld still exists!) While I think many of us saw this coming for ages, some were shocked to see the formerly Vita exclusive is…

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