

Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land screenshots and trailers

0 2733
New screenshots and trailers for Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land have been released from the Nintendo TGS conference earlier.

Nintendo Download – 8th September

0 1698
This weeks Nintendo Download includes Puzzle Rocks, DotMan and Golf.

Star Fox 64 3D review

0 2530
Another N64 remake hits the 3DS, with the added bonus of 3D and gyro controls. Is the game a barrel roll of fun or does this fox need to be hunted?

Nintendo Download – September 1st

0 1600
This weeks Nintendo Download includes PAC-MAN on 3DS, Trenches Generals on Wii and 10 free NES Virtual Console on the Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors.

PAX: Spider-Man: Edge of Time Screenshots

0 1684
Beenox Studios gave us a really fun experience with Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions last year, and I’m excited to play Edge of Time. In the meantime, we’ve got seven new screens from Spider-Man: Edge of Time and were released by…

Heroes of Ruin Gets New Screens

0 1810
Hey all – check out these new screenshots for Heroes of Ruin, the upcoming 3DS-based RPG coming from Square Enix. Of course the shots are in 2D as you can’t view the 3D version outside of the handheld itself.

Nintendo Download – August 25th

0 1720
This weeks Nintendo Download includes Gargoyles Quest on the 3D and The Ignition Factor on Wii.

New Screens Arrive for Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure

0 1935
Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure is coming….this year maybe? Either way, here’s a few new screens to show it off. Oh, and did you know Hans Zimmer is composing the soundtrack? Awesome!

Square Enix PAX 2011 line up

0 1668
Visitors to this years PAX will be able to play upcoming games including Dead Island, Deus: Ex Human Revolution and Final Fantasy XIII-2. Read on for the full details.

Xenoblade Chronicles Review

0 3201
Xenoblade has been a long time coming. In fact most people thought they would never actually see it released. Amazingly the game is finally here, and I have been lucky enough to have been playing it for some time.…

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