

Life is Strange E3 trailer

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A recap of the events that have occurred in Life is Strange Arcadia Bay so far.

Armikrog release date and pre-order bonuses announced

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The clay animated adventure game Armikrog gets a release date.

Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm launches July 7th

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The 2D fighting game Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm launches on Steam next month.

BiT Evolution leaving Steam Early Access

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The platform game BiT Evolution will be leaving Steam Early Access and launching on Steam on June 9th.

Primal Carnage: Extinction – Survival Update available

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An update to the class-based online multiplayer shooter featuring humans versus dinosaurs is now available.

Supercharged Robot VULKAISER now available on Steam

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The side-scrolling shooter Supercharged Robot VULKAISER is now available on Steam.

Elite: Dangerous Powerplay Launch Trailer

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The latest update to Elite Dangerous releases today, here is an overview of the major addition called Powerplay.

Introducing the Steam Controller video

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The Steam Controller is now available to pre-order in US, Canada, and most of the EU. Watch the video to find out more about it.

Rocket League – OMG It Has Everything! trailer

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A trailer for the car-soccer game Rocket League out on PC and PS4 early July.

Fallout 4 announced

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The long wait is over, Fallout 4 has been officially announced! Watch the trailer here.

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