

Hunted – The Crucible video and screenshots

0 1947
A new video for Hunted called The Crucible shows the user-generated content creator within the game.

Orcs, Dragons, and more – Skyrim Screens

0 1930
Bethesda is really going overboard this year and it looks like they’ve got at least three ‘AAA’ titles on the way. In addition to the outbreak of Brink and RAGE posting lately, we’ve got new Skyrim screens!

RAGE “Dead City” Trailer, Pre-order Bonuses Announced!

0 2069
As the months roll by, RAGE is beginning to get more attention, and Bethesda has announced the pre-order bonuses in the form of a ‘special edition’ for their upcoming title.

Portal 2 “Product” Series – “Boots”

0 1478
Topping off the “Product” series from Valve Software and Aperture Science, we’d like to introduce you to the “Boots” video. Try and fall on your head while wearing the long-fall boots. We dare you.

Call of Duty Escaltion Map Pack 2 announced

0 1481
The second map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops has been officially announced.

Section 8: Prejudice – Behind the Scenes Part 2: Story

0 1382
The second behind the scenes video of Section 8: Prejudice is now available to watch.

Section 8: Prejudice release date announced

0 1411
Section 8: Prejudice gets a release date of April 20th on XBLA and shortly afterwards on PC.

Brink “Ready and Able” Trailer

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Yet another trailer from one of my most anticipated titles of 2011, Brink. This time BethSoft brings us the “Ready and Able” trailer that shows off some of the abilities you’ll be able to perform in the game.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City Debut Trailer

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A teaser trailer for Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City has been released.

Battlefield 3 Fault Line Episode 3 – Get that wire cut

0 1547
The third preview trailer of the eagerly awaited Battlefield 3 is now online.

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