

Child of Eden – Mood Trailer

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A new trailer for Ubisoft’s Child of Eden is now online.

PROTOTYPE 2 – Heller vs Mercer

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Good morning all! Here’s a new Prototype 2 video from Activision and Radical Entertainment.

PlayStation Store Update (EU) – April 20th

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This weeks PlayStation Store Updates in Europe include Red Johnson’s Chronicles and Battle: Los Angeles – The Game.

Inversion trailer

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Namco Bandai released a new trailer for Inversion, a whirlwind journey complete with nonstop firefights, and a suspense-filled storyline.

PlayStation Store Update – April 19th

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Arcana Heart 3, Puzzle Agent and Neutopia are amongst this weeks US PlayStation Store Update.

Ubisoft Announces Rocksmith: South By Southwest

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Ubisoft has just unveiled their newest entry in the popular music genre of gaming with the announcement of Rocksmith: South By Southest. The game is currently slated for a Fall 2011 release.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Escalation Multiplayer preview video

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A new preview video for the second Call of Duty: Black Ops map pack has been released.

Hunted – The Crucible video and screenshots

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A new video for Hunted called The Crucible shows the user-generated content creator within the game.

Brink – Online screenshots

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Some new screenshots from Brink showing the online game have been released.

Orcs, Dragons, and more – Skyrim Screens

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Bethesda is really going overboard this year and it looks like they’ve got at least three ‘AAA’ titles on the way. In addition to the outbreak of Brink and RAGE posting lately, we’ve got new Skyrim screens!

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