The cinematic launch trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt has arrived. The game is set to launch on PC, PS4, and Xbox One on May 19, 2015… three more days. So close, but oh so far away…..
Guitar Hero Live in on the way from Activision, and we’ve got the details on the first chunk of music that will be included with the game at launch. It includes a few good hits for longtime fans of…
People wanted to see some console footage of the upcoming Witcher game, and CD Projekt RED wants you to know they hear you. Here’s some footage captured directly from an Xbox One console running the game.
It’s been quite awhile since we’ve had a new Tony Hawk game to play (Or EA Skate for that matter…) but the wait is nearly over. Activision has confirmed that Robomodo has a new game in development and we…
May 19th can’t come quick enough for some of us. Here’s a new trailer for The Witcher 3, entitled Monsters, to help make the wait a little easier… or harder.
Nostalgia. Retro. Old-school. All of these terms can be used to describe Shovel Knight from Yacht Club Games. Less than a year after its PC and Nintendo release, the knight joins the PlayStation family. Is he a welcome addition?…
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