

Battlefield 4 – 17 minutes of gameplay footage

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In the early hours of this morning Battlefield 4 was announced along with a whole 17 minutes of gameplay footage.

Magic 2014 announced

0 2391
The new version of the popular card game Magic has been announced for XBLA, PSN, PC, Android and iPad.

Win a copy of Dead Space 3 on your platform of choice

0 7941
To coincide with the launch of Dead Space 3 today we are giving you a chance to win a copy of the game on your platform of choice (Xbox, PS3 or PC) in our giveaway.

Sony teases an announcement on February 20th

0 1522
Who knows what it could be? The next PlayStation, new games or… hmmm who knows.

Battlefield 3: End Game – Capture the Flag and Air Superiority Gameplay

0 1385
Two new videos showing some footage of Capture the Flag and Air Superiority gameplay from the final Battlefield 3 DLC is now out.

Defiance launches April 2nd

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The live action trailer invites everyone to join the fight on April 2nd.

Aliens: Colonial Marines – Kick Ass Trailer

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A  new trailer for SEGA and Gearbox Software’s Aliens: Colonial Marines explains the game. If it moves, kill it!

Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch launch trailer

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The launch trailer for the RPG Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is now available to view.

DUST 514 enters open beta

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DUST 514 is now in open beta, anyone with a PlayStation 3 can now download and enjoy the game.

Black Ops 2 – Revolution DLC Map Pack Preview trailer

0 1423
The trailer for Revolution, the first DLC for Black Ops 2, has been released.

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