

SSX Animated Comics: Moby & Kaori

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Two new animated comics for EA’s SSX featuring the characters Moby and Kaori are now available to watch.

New Renegade Ops screenshots

0 2196
Several new screenshots of SEGA’s XBLA, PSN and PC game Renegade Ops are now available to view.

PlayStation Store Update (EU) – July 6th

0 1264
This weeks European PlayStation Store updates include Eat Them!, Alien Zombie Mega Death, SEGA Rally Online Arcade and Spelunker HD.

PlayStation Store Update (US) – July 5th

0 1264
This weeks US PlayStation Store Updates includes PlayStation Move Ape Escape and on PSOne Rapid Angel and Yakiniku Bugyou

Catherine – Nightmares trailer and demo release date announced

0 1340
A new trailer titled Nightmares has been released for Atlus’ Catherine along with a date for the demo.

Mortal Kombat: Kenshi Vignette Trailer

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Kenshi, the blind Ninja coming out for a vengeance is coming straight for your Xbox 360 and PS3 later this month. Along with Kenshi will come another mystery kombatant, but for now here’s the back-story for those that don’t…

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations trailer

0 1392
The latest game based on the #1 best-selling manga across Europe is heading its way to European Xbox and PlayStation 3 in 2012.

RAGE – The Legacy of id Software

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Today we’ve got the first video in a six part series that will show you behind the scenes of RAGE.

Preview: Catherine

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 Hey all! We joined the fine folks at Atlus USA last night for a live-streaming demo of their upcoming puzzle platformer, Catherine. We’ve got a bunch of new information to share with you about this upcoming psychological thriller –…

Call of Duty XP 2011 announced

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If you are a Call of Duty fan, the place to be is L.A. on September 2nd and 3rd for the first Call of Duty Gamer Celebration!

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