

Marvel Pinball Collection – “Captain America” Review

0 1800
Captain America is approximately three weeks away from visiting a cinema near you, but you can catch a glimpse of the man behind the shield on June 28/29 when he joins Marvel Pinball and Pinball FX2’s Marvel Collection.

Cabela’s Big Game Hunter 2012 Announced

0 1574
Cabela’s Big Game Hunter 2012 is on the way this September. Announced by Activision, this latest title in the series claims to offer stunning new environments, more gear and firearms, and new wildlife to hunt.

TRANSFORMERS: Dark of the Moon Review

0 1950
It’s been about a year since High Moon Studios brought us TRANSFORMERS: War for Cybertron and it was arguably the best the game released featuring the brand name. Last week the official sequel, TRANSFORMERS: Dark of the Moon arrived…

Video: Meet some Voices from Catherine

0 1312
Growing even closer to release, Atlus isn’t falling short in terms of promoting Catherine – and we’ve been intrigued by the game for awhile so it’s had a lot of coverage. Our latest addition is an interview with the…

Call of Duty: Black Ops – Annihilation map pack trailer

0 1249
A new trailer for the third Call of Duty: Black Ops map pack called Annihilation is now available to view.

PS3 firmware 3.66 now available

0 1174
The latest PS3 firmware update is now available to download.

Happy birthday Sonic!

0 1733
Sonic the Hedgehog turns 20 today. To celebrate there are some games on discount for Xbox and PS3 owners and a demo for Sonic Generations.

Hitman Absolution Avatar Items Available on PSN/XBL

0 1404
Hitman Absolution avatar items have just become available on the PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE Marketplace. If you’ve ever wanted to look like Agent 47, now’s your chance with these new items.

Buy Marvel Pinball and get ZEN Pinball free!

0 1521
ZEN Studios have a great deal for pinball fans on the PS3. Buy one get one free!

Dead Island Character Bio: Logan

0 1601
Want to know more about the characters in Dead Island? Here is the character bio for Logan.

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