

I AM SETSUNA |Launch Trailer – Available Now on PlayStation 4!

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Today is a great day for PlayStation 4 users as it marks the release of the Chrono Trigger-esque RPG, I AM SETUNA from developer Square Enix.  Check out the beautiful launch trailer with its fantastic piano score below.

No Man’s Sky Has Gone Gold

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Sean Murray of Hello Games dropped a tiny announcement today via Twitter.

Remastered BioShock: The Collection Coming This Fall

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It’s been nine years since the world was introduced to BioShock. This fall, anyone that missed out, along with anyone who wants to experience it all over again will have the chance thanks to 2K Games and Irrational Games.

Tom Clancy’s The Division – Underground Expansion |LAUNCH TRAILER

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The Division gets a massive expansion this summer, and Ubisoft just shared a new trailer outlining some of the new features and characters in the game. Admittedly, this looks pretty good, and it might be what the game needs…

The Technomancer | LAUNCH TRAILER

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The Technomancer launches tomorrow on PS4, Xbox One and PC. Today, we’ve got the launch trailer to share with you. On a personal note, I really feel a launch trailer should really highlight gameplay footage, rather than consist of…

Lost Sea sails onto PSN July 5th

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Sometimes good things come in small packages. Developer/publisher eastasiasoft is a good example of this statement – they’re not a huge company, but they’ve managed to put out a few really great games. Next month, they’re releasing their latest…

Ghostbusters Ultimate Bundle’ (PS4, Xbox One)

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Ghostbusters arrives next month from Activision Publishing, and today they’re announcing a new bundle with digital extras.

Gravity Rush 2 | E3 TRAILER

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Although it didn’t make it into the PlayStation E3 conference, Gravity Rush 2 was unveiled during E3, and it definitely looks impressive. This game was probably one of Sony’s best kept secrets since we never really heard a peep…

Star Ocean | E3 Launch Trailer

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Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness launches on June 28th, but Square and PlayStation are giving you access to the launch trailer now. Check it out below and get yourself ready for a solid 25-40 hours of RPG goodness.

Final Fantasy XV | E3 TRAILER (Woo! Chocobos!)

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We’ve already seen a ton of footage, but that doesn’t mean you don’t wanna see this new trailer showcasing even more FFXV footage…including, you guessed it, CHOCOBOS!  Plus, you get to hear the new Chocobo theme which makes it…

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