

Mafia III – Reveal Trailer

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The reveal trailer for Mafia III is now out, watch it below.

Unravel Puzzle Gameplay Trailer

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A further look at the puzzle platform game Unravel for PC, PlayStation and Xbox.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst Gameplay Trailer

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The first gameplayer trailer for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst was shown today at Gamescom.

Star Wars Battlefront: Fighter Squadron Mode Gameplay Trailer

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A trailer showing the Fighter Squadron mode in Star Wars Battlefront

Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture – Launch Trailer

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A launch trailer for Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture which launches on August 11th on PlayStation 4.

P.O.L.L.E.N Announced

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A new first person virtual reality exploration game is launching on PC early 2016 and PS4 later 2016.

Rocket League Supersonic Fury DLC Pack announced

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The first DLC for the popular Rocket League has been announced as well as a free update with new content.

PlayStation Store Update July 21st

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This weeks PlayStation Store Update includes Tembo The Badass Elephant and Journey.

Rocket League launches today on PC and PS4

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The futuristic Sports-Action game Rocket League launches with crossplay support on PC and PS4 today.

Hitman – World Exclusive Gameplay Trailer

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A trailer for Hitman coming out December 8 2015 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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