PS3 users now have the chance to get themselves some free games, assuming you don’t already own them all (many people do). If you don’t own Little Big Planet, or better yet, inFAMOUS, keep reading!
THQ released a trailer for Darksiders II this week and it looks seriously awesome. Darksiders was quite awesome despite from rough screen tearing issues which THQ quickly fixed through a patch.
The latest accessories from POWER A (who recently released a large line of Pokemon DS accessories) is the Batman: Arkham City inspired ‘Batarang’ controllers for PS3 and Xbox 360.
E3 2011 hasn’t officially started, but the news is starting to flow. Konami’s press conference has unveiled some great surprises for gamers tonight including the development of HD collections for Metal Gear Solid and Zone of the Enders, both…
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