

Lollipop Chainsaw – Swan trailer

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Time to meet another character in Lollipop Chainsaw, Swan is not a very nice person!

Bang Bang Racing – Car Classes trailer

0 1586
A new trailer for the XBLA, PSN and PC racing game Bang Bang Racing shows the four classes of car you can take to the tracks.

Shoot Many Robots – Render This video

0 1448
A new video for Demiurge’s Shoot Many Robots shows the different graphics rendering effects used in the game to identify bugs.

SSX – Travis Rice Survive It Trailer

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Travis Rice, the star of ‘The Art Of Flight’, shows us how to survive the deadly descents with a mix of in-game and real life footage.

Gotham City Impostors 2D Animation Trailer #3

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The third 2D Animation Trailer for Gotham City Impostors highlights the latest tensions between the Bats and Jokerz.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Environment trailer

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A new trailer for Final Fantasy XIII-2 shows some of the locales Noel and Serah will visit in the game.

Street Fighter X Tekken – Thousand Pounds Action Company video

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We are a little late on this news, but if like us you missed this cool video from Thousand Pounds Action Company last week you should check it out.

Syndicate – Weapons screenshots and video

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A new trailer and screenshots for EA’s Syndicate shows the weapons you will be able to get your hands on.

Gotham City Impostors 2D Animation Trailer #2

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The second 2D Animation Trailer for Gotham City Impostors highlights the latest tensions between the Bats and Jokerz.

Final Fantasy XIII-2 Enhanced Battle System trailer

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The new trailer highlights the Active Time Battle (ATB) system used in the Final Fantasy series.

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