

Brink: Agents of Change DLC Available Now

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Just a reminder for those of you who own or plan on playing Brink some day – Agents of Change, the first piece of DLC for the game, is now available on Xbox LIVE, PlayStation Network, and Steam.

Forza 4 – Making of the Bernese Alps Video

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A new Forza 4 video shows some of the behind the scenes work on creating the Bernese Alps track.

UK preorder bonus items announced for Battlefield 3

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It looks like you will have to pre-order at three stores to get all the bonus content for Battlefield 3.

Vessel announced for XBLA, PSN and PC

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indiePub announce a new physics based puzzle game coming to XBLA, PSN and PC later this year.

Call of Duty: Black Ops – Rezurrection Launches August 23rd

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Call of Duty fans are getting yet another addition to Black Ops and it’s set to arrive on August 23, 2011. COD Rezurrection includes one all-new map known as ‘Moon’, four remastered zombie maps, and more.

Call of Duty XP Declassified

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Call of Duty XP, the largest event based solely on the Call of Duty series from Activision, is set to take place in Los Angeles, CA on September 2nd & 3rd. Activision wants you to know what to expect…

Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Classified Information trailer

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It is classified information so you can’t view this trailer for Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

New Screens For Bloodrayne Betrayal

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Completely redesigned and upgraded, Bloodrayne Betrayal is on its way to PSN and XBLA later this year. We’ve got a few new screens to share with you today.

Borderlands 2 in development

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Gearbox Software announce that Borderlands 2 is in development.

XBLA Wednesday: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

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This years XBLA Summer of Arcade continues with the release of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet.

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