

Crazy Taxi now hiring in November

0 1455
The remake of the classic Dreamcast game Crazy Taxi release has been announced for November.

Homefront Multiplayer Trailer

0 1448
The trailer showing the action in a 32 player game for the first person shooter Homefront has been released.

Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 Review

0 3107
Sonic is one of the most iconic game characters of all time. In the day of the 16 bit era I was a huge fan and chose the blue mammal over the portly plumber. With the move to 3D,…

XBLA Wednesday: Sonic 4 Episode 1 and Dead Space Ignition

0 1849
This week sees the return of the Sonic in the long awaited Sonic 4 Episode 1 and the Dead Space mini game called Ignition.

Fable III TV Trailer Debut

0 1127
The Fable III TV trailer is now available to view, it is very nice!

Monday Night Combat title update now live

0 1229
The first title update for the great Monday Night Combat is now live and should update when you next load the game. Read on for the full list of changes.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Review

0 1980
Castlevania is one of the most treasured franchises in the business, yet each attempt at a 3D version has been widely considered as failure. Newcomer Mercury Steam felt they could change that, and they’ve brought us Castlevania: Lords of…

Call of Duty: Black Ops single player trailer

0 1235
We had the teaser for the trailer a few days ago and today we get to see the full video of the single player action.

A Shooter Review

0 1565
A game entitled “A Shooter”, a rather uninspired name but is it an uninspired game? A Shooter is as I’m sure you’ve probably deduced a Shoot ‘Em Up of the horizontal persuasion.

X-Men Arcade trailer and screenshots

0 1764
A teaser trailer and in-game screenshots have been released for the forthcoming remake of the 1992 classic X-Men Arcade.

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