

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary maps announced

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To kick off Halo Fest, which starts today, three new multiplayer maps for Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary have been announced amongst other news.

Xbox Indies Summer Uprising Day 5 – Doom & Destiny

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It is day 5 of the Xbox Indies Summer Uprising and a change of pace with the RPG Doom & Destiny.

Vessel – PAX Trailer

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A new trailer for the physics based puzzle game coming to XBLA, PSN and PC later this year.

Xbox Indies Summer Uprising Day 4 – T.E.C. 3001

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Day four of the Xbox Indie Game Summer Uprising brings us the futuristic 3D action game T.E.C. 3001.

XBLA Wednesday: Hole in The Wall, Street Fighter III 3rd Strike and Crazy Machines Elements

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Three XBLA titles this week to choose from; Hole in The Wall, Street Fighter III 3rd Strike and Crazy Machines Elements. Bring on the wall! 🙂

Xbox Indies Summer Uprising Day 3 – Cute Things Dying Violently

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The indie games uprising continues with the bloody platform game Cute Things Dying Violently.

New Screens Arrive for Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure

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Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure is coming….this year maybe? Either way, here’s a few new screens to show it off. Oh, and did you know Hans Zimmer is composing the soundtrack? Awesome!

New FFXIII-2 Screens

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Final Fantasy XIII-2 is still coming, but we haven’t got much gameplay info yet. Although Square Enix is being tight-lipped about the game, they’ve given us more screenshots to share with you.

Dungeon Defenders gets a release date

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The eagerly awaited XBLA and PSN game Dungeon Defenders has a release date.

Ubisoft’s 2011 PAX Prime lineup

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Assassin’s Creed Revelations, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Future Soldier and Rayman Origins are amongst the games playable at PAX Prime later this week.

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