

Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad screenshots

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New screenshots for the racer Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad out later this year on XBLA and PSN.

Xbox Deal of the Week – Red Faction: Battlegrounds, Hydrophobia and DLC

0 1286
This weeks Xbox Deal of the Week are discounts on Red Faction: Battlegrounds, Hydrophobia on XBLA and DLC for Bulletstorm and SplinterCell Conviction.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Rezurrection DLC out now

0 1705
The Zombie map pack for Call of Duty Black Ops is now out, free for Hardened or Prestige editions owners, the rest have to pay.

Xbox Indies Summer Uprising Day 2 – Battle High: San Bruno

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The second day brings us an update to the school themed 2D fighting game Battle High: San Bruno.

Square Enix PAX 2011 line up

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Visitors to this years PAX will be able to play upcoming games including Dead Island, Deus: Ex Human Revolution and Final Fantasy XIII-2. Read on for the full details.

Xbox Indies Summer Uprising Day 1 – Raventhorne

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The Indie Games answer to the Summer of Arcade starts today with the action adventure game Raventhorne.

Xbox Indie Game Round Up – Episode 126

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This weeks Xbox Indie Game Round Up includes Motorbike Stunt Agent Julie, Inferno! and Doc Logic.

The Indie Zone Episode 13

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Reviews for the puzzle games Sum Fighter and Ace of Dynamites and the poop’em up Poopocalypse are in this episode of the Indie Zone.

GoldenEye Reloaded screenshots

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Activison and Eurocom’s upcoming James Bond title is nearly here and with that reminder we’ve got a whole bunch of new screenshots for GoldenEye Reloaded.

Contest: Bring Home the War With A Free Copy of Toy Soldiers: Cold War!

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You’ve probably seen our review for TS: Cold War, and maybe you want the game but can’t afford it, or you just want to wait till the contests subside. In that case, here’s our contest to win a copy of…

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