

Roxio Game Capture shipping soon

0 1622
Roxio have announced a new video game capture device to quickly and easily record while playing.

XBLA Wednesday: Full House Poker

0 1563
The Xbox House Party comes to an end this week, and the neighbours did not complain once, well maybe a little about Bejewelled Blitz. The final release is Full House Poker.

Brink – A Matter of Class video

0 1456
A new video for Brink, highlighting the games objective-based teamplay has been released.

Halo Reach Defiant Map Pack now on the marketplace

0 2057
The Halo: Reach – Defiant Map Pack is now available to purchase on the Xbox Marketplace.

Wrecked – Revenge Revisited announced

0 4088
Last week, Wrecked – Revenge Revisited was announced by the developers of the popular Xbox/PS2/PC racing game Mashed.

MotoGP 10/11 Launch Trailer

0 1403
A trailer for motorbike racer MotoGP 10/11 released this week is available to view.

Prototype 2 – “Heller Throws Down” Trailer

0 1206
See how “Heller Throws Down” in this new Prototype 2 trailer!

Gatling Gears Announce Trailer

0 1625
Vanguard Games and EA have announced their new twin stick shooter Gatling Gears.

Xbox Deal of the Week: St. Patrick’s Day

0 1158
Xbox celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with a week long sale on Irish themed marketplace content.

Homefront Launch Trailer

0 1546
THQ have released a launch trailer for Homefront.

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