
News Bytes 25th August

Time for a round up of news over the past couple of days. Don’t forget you can read the latest news on the top right of the page in the News Bytes links before I add them to news posts.

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The demo for Section 8 was released a few days ago, it is a multiplayer first person shooter much in the style of Quake Wars in which you have to attack and defend control points. There are several classes of soldier to choose from each with differing abilities and strengths and weaknesses. With games of this nature it takes a while to learn the layout of the map but after a few games you should be fine. I particularly liked the way the respawns are done, makes a change from the usual. The demo can be downloaded here.

This weeks Deal Of The Week is for Grand Theft Auto 4 DLC; The Lost and the Damned. The price has been reduced from 1600 :MSPoints: to 1200 :MSPoints:. You can find out more about the DLC and purchase it here.

The second DLC for Mass Effect has just been released. Pinnacle Station takes place on a remote, top-secret Alliance space station. It includes a new land-able space station, thirteen combat scenarios, and around three hours of game play. One important note is you must be Spectre status to be able to play this DLC.  You can find out more about the DLC and purchase it for 400 :MSPoints: here.

Also just released is a demo for WET. It is a third person shooter that incorporates gun play, sword kills and over-the-top acrobatics. I have not had a chance to try this yet but from all the previews and trailers it looks great. You can download the demo here.

Major Nelson posted the Xbox Live activity charts for the week:

Xbox 360 Top LIVE Titles (based on UU’s)
1 Call of Duty: WaW
2 Halo 3
3 Call of Duty 4
4 Gears of War 2
5 Madden NFL 10
6 LOST PLANET 2 Co-op Demo
8 Shadow Complex
9 Trials HD
10 FIFA 09

Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions purchased)
1   Shadow Complex
2   Trials HD
3   Battlefield 1943
4   Marvel vs. Capcom 2
5   Turtles in Time Re-Shelled
6   Splosion Man
7   Castle Crashers
8   Worms 2: Armageddon
9   Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planeswalkers
10  UNO
The above arcade list is based on full versions purchased.

Top Community Games (Full Versions purchased)
1    I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1
2    Headshot
3    Who Did I Date Last Night
4    Miner Dig Deep
5    The Drinking Game
6    RC-AirSim
7    Physics Sandbox
8    myFishtank
9    Aquarium HD
10 Kodu Game Lab


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