All releases are played for the eight minutes allowed in trials and impressions are made from that. If any developers would like for us to review your game in full, post an update on the progress of your game etc. please get in contact.
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Alderman is a 3rd person action game in which you play the part of a knight on a horse who must joust his way through hordes of enemies to defeat the Count Wharfdale. There is nothing much to the game, simply aim the crosshairs at the enemy, poke ’em with your jousting pole and repeat. You will probably have had enough by the end of the trial. The game costs 240 :MSPoints: and judging by the trial is not worth it, more information can be found here.
Armor Valley is a 3D part arcade shooter, part real time strategy game. You control a helicopter who must help attack or defend the bases by destroying other helicopters and tanks. Graphics are nicely done, the controls work fine and I enjoyed playing the game, one to check out! Armor Valley costs 400 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, trailer at end of this article..
Flytrap is an arcade shooter in which you play as a venus flytrap who fires a squirt gun. You must first squirt the enemies to stun them, then catch them by inhaling them. The graphics are not bad and the sprites are clear to see but I started loosing interest by the end of the trial as it was very repetitive. At 400 :MSPoints: I have a feeling this is 320 points too much. More information on the game can be found here.
Kissy Poo is a family entertainment game aimed at young children. You play the part of Kissy Poo who must cheer up the sad animals by kissing them, once you have filled the rainbow meter it will activate Dance Time with a catchy song to sing along to 🙂 Graphics are bright and colourful and drawn well, it should get children’s attention no problem. I cant honestly say if its any good or not as I had no kids to try it on but if you do, give it a try as it looks like fun. The full game costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, trailer at end of this article..
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Starfield Battle is yet another twin stick shooter. This game brings something new to the game with limited ammo supplies and secondary weapons, it has OK graphics but I felt the enemies and/or the bullets were too small. Despite the limited ammo and secondary weapons being added it just felt like another shooter, if you are a twin stick addict you may find some entertainment, at 240 :MSPoints: it seems a little expensive. More information on the game can be found here, trailer at end of this article..
Ultimate Arcade Chat Rooms is a text and voice based chat room. Unsurprisingly when I tried it the trial was limited to chat room with robots chatting and was unable to find other people. Honestly do not bother with this, you need a Gold subscription to voice chat and this is built into the 360 by default now, why pay for another program? Ultimate Arcade Chat Rooms costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information on the game can be found here.
yOm_fury seems to be a replacement for yOm which was released last month but no longer on the Marketplace. You can read my trial impressions for it here.
Titles that have received a software update or price change are Division Omega, World Clock, Shining Blood, Game Training Vol 1: Dexterity, Beat Hazard and Drop Zone.
Trailers for new releases can be found below:
Armor Valley
Kissy Poo
Starfield Battle