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Wasted Seconds posted a preview video on the forthcoming indie game Pilot Test. It is based on a javascript game where you control a shape and must avoid other bouncing shapes in a small play area. As a side note, I coded a version of the original game for the GP2X a year or two ago (see here) and its an addictive little game, hopefully Pilot Test is as well. Check out the video for Pilot Test here.
XBLA Ratings posted a preview of a forthcoming twin stick shooter called Abaddon. The visuals and gameplay look great and there are three game play modes to choose from as well as a RPG element and a Drop-In Multiplayer on Xbox Live and Local Multiplayer. You can read more as well as view the videos here.
Also from XBLA Ratings is a preview of another soon to be released indie game called Full Contact Racing. It is inspired from British Stock Car Racing or as I like to call it Banger Racing 🙂 The trailers didn’t show much racing but instead shows some physics gameplay. It has not grabbed me but I will reserve judgement until I play the game. Full article can be read here.
Evolution Dream Studio posted a trailer for their next game Pirate Mayhem. As I thought last week it is a Cabal style arcade game in which you shoot the enemies that appear on screen. It is looking good so far and I cant wait to get my hooks on this, arrrr a pirate joke! Check out the video here.
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Iron Star Media have a new game soon to be released on indie games. Ikaroids is a action packed twin stick shooter with a campaign and survival mode with up to two players. It looks interesting and hopefully has some good features to make it stand out from the many other twin stick shooters on indie games. Full details here.
Blacklab Games have posted a second trailer of their forthcoming shooter Star Hammer. The Star Hammer story will be released as a series of chapters, each containing around 15 missions. Visually it looks nice so hopefully the gameplay matches it. Full details can be found here.
Last but not least, Pino contacted us to let us know about his work in progress game Meet Your Nightmare. It is an arena style battle game in which you must fight waves of enemies. It is a work in progress game but it is looking good so far. Check out the video here.
Reviews on other sites are The Impossible Game, Aardvark and XMAS Taxi.