
XCross code giveaway

Sorry for the delay in starting this weeks competition, all the new indie games releases have been keeping me busy writing the trial impressions and the reviews.

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So this week we have two codes to give away for the excellent Picross style puzzle game XCross. You can read our review of the game here, since the review was written a new version has been released which fixes some of the minor issues we mentioned so you should really check out this game now! Here is how to enter to stand a chance of winning one of the two codes:

Code 1: Reply to our What is your favourite Xbox 360 Indie Game of 2009 post here. If you have already replied there is no need to reply again as all replies will be entered in the random draw.

Code 2: This is a Twitter based competition and to enter you must be following me and retweet the following message ‘RT @emuholic Two codes to giveaway for the 360 indie game XCross, visit http://bit.ly/6mgEmc for how to enter. #xblig #XCross‘. You can either RT the traditional way or the new Retweet beta if you have it.

Rules and Information:

– The deadline to submit your entry for the first two giveaways is Sunday 13th December at 23:59:59 GMT. Winners for the first two giveaways will be chosen at random and notified within 24 hours.

– Include your correct email address in the field if entering the comment giveaway as this will be used to contact you if you win, the email address is not shown to the public.

– You can enter all giveaways but please only one comment and retweet per person, multiple entries may be banned from this and future competitions.

– Anyone may enter but please remember that the token may not be redeemable if Indie Games are not available in your country. No alternatives will be offered, you can either give the code back to us and we will pick another winner or you can give it to someone else.


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