
Holiday Trivia review

Holiday Trivia is a Quiz game based around Christmas, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and various other “holidays” from this time of year.

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The game it starts off with the title screen, which shows a nice snowy background with some tree’s and snow falling. The text on the title screen could be a bit better, though the fancy font, especially the By line under the title is a little hard to read, a little bit bolder would have made it easier on the eye.

You are told to press A to begin, when you do you are presented with the built in Xbox sign in screen, where up to four players can be selected. I lacking extra controllers or people to play with played through in one player mode.

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You then go to the main game where the players that are playing are showing along the bottom of the screen, standing on top of presents. One feature I like about this game is that it actually uses your avatar which in my opinion is underused and is the first time I’ve seen it in an Indie game.

The premise is quite simple, you are given a question in the top right hand corner, to the right of the question is a bar in the theme of a candy cane which counts down over a period of about 10 seconds. There are 20 questions per game and they are all multiple choice, you merely select the button (A,B,X or Y) corresponding to the answer.

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Then once you’ve answered all the questions there’s a screen where the present your standing on raises to indicate how well you did in a chart like fashion. The game give you the option to play again or quit back to the title screen, once again the text is a little hard to read.

The questions are overall pretty challenging, the majority of them are about Christmas and quite a few of them are quite obscure like what animal does Switzerland associate with Santa. There are also blatantly easy ones such as a blankety blank style questions where you chose the missing word from the Christmas carol line.

Some of the questions are almost impossible if you aren’t from the US as there are a few that seem to be specifically American oriented where the answers are related to American stores and such. Also I noticed one that was somewhat erroneous which was “What name does the UK give to Santa Clause” I shan’t give out the answer as that would be cheating if you intend to play the game, but the question should have really been England not UK as the rest of the UK doesn’t really use the name the answer gives.

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Aside from some annoyances such as having to wait on the timer finishing before it goes onto the next question instead of just progressing as soon as everyone has answered. And the indicator that says you’ve given your answer being rather unnoticeable (which is a small padlock icon on the present you stand on). As well as the very small text of your username on the present making it hard to read, plus the answers come onto the screen a little to slowly. It is a decent little quiz game and worth the 80 :MSPoints: as long as you have people to play with.

You can find out more about Holiday Trivia as well as download the trial and full versions of the game on the Marketplace.

Review by CyberAxe.


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