Twelve games in today’s round up of Indie Games releases. Sorry for the delay in this round up, I had got used to doing a dozen or so games over Christmas so I waited until the releases built up. I will probably go back to the bi-weekly updates next week.
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Abaddon is a mix between an arena deathmatch style game and shoot em up set in space. You must protect the mothership from the waves of enemies that are trying to destroy it. You can upgrade both the mothership and your craft with new weapons and abilities. Graphics look good and the gameplay seems to be fine if a little hectic, well worth checking out as it supports two players locally and up to eight players online. Abaddon costs 400 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found below.
Audio Diagnostics is a simple application that plays music to test your speaker setup on your Xbox. You can rotate the audio to which speaker you want or let it run automatically. Not quite sure what the point of this release is as most amps/decoders have a built in test of some kind or download a test video. Audio Diagnostics costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.
Bacterio is a 3D puzzle game where you control a new type of bacteria that must reach the goal by avoiding blocks, eating them and navigating the obstacles. Presentation and graphics are done well but I found the in game ‘noise’ very off putting and there is no volume control. Be sure to play the tutorial to get an idea of the game as it is quite good if you mute your TV. Bacterio costs 240 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found below.
Blaze Of Glory is a survival game where you must defend yourself against thugs and ninjas. It is a average game at best with some occasional weapon pickups and a stream of enemies. Nothing special and by the end of the trial you will have had enough. Blaze Of Glory costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.
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Dreams of Witchtown is a 2D platform game with some RPG elements thrown in, you play as a witch who must save the world against the evil forces. The graphics are big (maybe a little too big) and colourful and they look decent, the sounds effects are very familiar… the game plays fairly well and seems to be a nice game for 80 :MSPoints:, worth checking out. You can find more information on Dreams of Witchtown on the Marketplace and a trailer can be found below.
Fight Monkey of Magic is another arena battle game for up to four players locally. The players have a variety of moves and magic powers but I found the enemy AI really annoying to play against, this game should be much better against some humans so if you have some handy it should be worth a try 🙂 Fight Monkey of Magic costs 400 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found below.
Gamefarm Math Quiz is a maths based quiz game where you can choose the difficulty level so it is handy for both kids and adults, or adults who want to cheat! There are a few different rounds usually involving multiple choice answers and it seems to be pretty good for 80 :MSPoints:, worth checking out if you have kids or want to brush up on your maths skills. We will be reviewing this in a few weeks time so keep an eye out for that. More information on Gamefarm Math Quiz can be found here and a trailer can be found below.
Overscan Sniper HD is an application that lets you see how much overscan your TV or monitor has. Some TV’s can not display of the screen and this app lets you check that. It is a basic application that you could do with a test image and display it on the 360 to see the overscan. Not really a point to this release especially at 240 :MSPoints:, more information can be found here, we will be reviewing this in a few weeks but as you can guess from this impression don’t bother waiting for it.
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Pan-Global Racing Syndicate is a racing game for up to four players locally on splitscreen, unfortunately there does not seem to be any CPU AI racers to play against. You ride pedal bicycles instead of cars which is a nice change but unless you have a few friends to play against it you are limited to playing time trials which was very boring by the end of the trial. Pan-Global Racing Syndicate costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.
Pixel Boarder is a retro themed snowboarding game where you must reach the end line in the best time and also perform some tricks along the way. The controls take a little getting used to but the tutorials do help a lot. From what I tried of the game it seems to be very well created and a lot of fun to play, well worth checking out! Pixel Boarder costs 240 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found below.
Pwn Age 31337 AD is another arena style deathmatch game for up to four players locally or a mighty sixteen players online. I was unable to try the online in the trial version but I was not a fan of the CPU AI as they were managing to shoot me perfectly from outside the screen. There are 15 maps and plenty of weapons to choose from, this could be a riot with 16 people online, will enough buy it though? Pwn Age 31337 AD costs 240 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found below.
SlideColors is another arena… only joking, its a puzzle game yay! There are three different game modes, one is a match three style game, one is a time attack and the last is to get the coloured blocks into the correct space. You move the blocks with a horizontal and vertical slide which is a nice twist on the match three genre, although I did find the cursor movement a little over responsive at times. It is a decent little game and well worth checking out as it only costs 80 :MSPoints:, we will be reviewing this game in a few weeks time. You can find out more about SlideColors here and view the trailer below.
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Toyborgs is a deathmatch style platform game which you can play up to four players locally and online. Again, there does not seem to be any support for CPU AI to play against so it was hard to give my impressions, from what I played by myself it looked interesting but hard to say how well it plays. Toyborgs costs 240 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found below.
You Will Die is a a kind of shooter which puts you against an enemy ship that you must destroy to continue. The enemy ship gets more powerful as you progress, it makes for a very tricky game hence the title! It is an interesting game and well worth checking out if you like shooters and want to practise your shooting and dodging skills. You Will Die costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here, a trailer can be found below.
Titles that have received a software update or price change are Fields Reloaded, Solar, Armor Valley, Creed Arena and Venatio Creo.
Trailers for the new releases are below
Dreams of Witchtown
Fight Monkey of Magic
Gamefarm Math Quiz
Pixel Boarder
Pwn Age 31337 AD
You Will Die