
Competition: 1 Month XBL Gold & XBLA Games

Our previous photo based competition was cancelled due to lack of interest so we have a new competition to replace it.

The Winners

The competition is now over and the winners are…

1st Place – Dave Henry
Runner Up – Neil Merschbrock
2nd Runner Up –  Michael Connolly

I will email you all shortly with your codes. Thanks to everyone that entered, we had a big response to this competition so we hope to do more of these in the future.

The Prizes

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1st Place: One months Xbox Live Subscription code (works worldwide) and an AQUA: Naval Warfare XBLA code
Runner Up: One Poker Smash XBLA code.
2nd Runner Up: One Spring Up Harmony XBLIG code

How To Enter

To stand a chance of winning the above prizes all you have to do is tell us how much a ‘Xbox Live 1 Month Gold Subscription’ costs on our sponsor site Game Points, who sell cheap emailed codes for Xbox Subscriptions, Microsoft points, PSN and Wii cards. Once you have found the price, fill out the entry submission form below with your answer to enter the competition.

Twitter followers (@Gamergeddon) can gain a bonus entry by retweeting the message just below. Please add your twitter name to the entry form so we know it is you.

Enter our competition to win 1 month XBL Gold and XBLA games. Details can be found at http://bit.ly/9J3ioF #GG2

Entry Form

Competition is now closed.

General Rules and Information

– The deadline to submit your entry is October 10th at 23:59:59 PM UK time

– You can enter only once. Multiple entries will be banned from this and future competitions.

– If you have won one of our previous competitions you can still enter and be eligible to win.

– Please include your correct email address in the field as this will be used to contact you if you win. The email address is not shown to the public.

– No alternative prizes will be offered.

– The winners will be picked at random from all valid entries and the names published after the competition has ended.


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