
Indie Games round up 9th November

All releases are played for the eight minutes allowed in trials and impressions are made from that. If any developers would like for us to review your game in full, post an update on the progress of your game etc. please get in contact.

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Avatar Rockets is a simple arcade style game where you must launch a rocket and get as far as possible into space with a limited fuel supply, along the way are fuel replenishments you can collect. The graphics and presentation are OK and the gameplay is fun, I could imagine it being a laugh with some friends locally or over Xbox Live to get the best distance, it also supports online leaderboards. Worth checking out, Avatar Rockets costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.

Experiment 12 is a N+ inspired platform in which you take control of a prisoner who must participate in prison experiments, namely work your way through each stage jumping platforms, flicking switches and so on. The graphics and sound are basic but this game is not about that, it is about playability and it delivers. Controls work well and from what I played in the trial there are some good level designs. Not everyone likes this kind of game but do check it out as it is quite good. Experiment 12 costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.

Headshot 2 is what I guess is the sequel to Headshot (different company names so I don’t know for sure) in which you play as a sniper who must kill the disguised enemy, preferably with a headshot 🙂 If this is by the same developer it seems they listened to my suggestions in my trial impressions of the original as they have added new locations, gave the graphics a much needed makeover and made the game much more presentable. The original was OK for a quick blast but this version is much improved and is well worth checking out if you like a bit of mindless action. Headshot 2 costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.

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Lemonade Ltd. is a micro management game where you run a Lemonade stall and need to set the advertising, price of lemonade and how many to make in a day. You have thirty days to make as much profit as possible. There is not much to the game with only three prices to set and I would have liked to have seen more options and more locations to choose from like in Lemonade Tycoon, but the game is fairly fun. If you like management sims you may like Lemonade Ltd. The game costs 80 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.

Tank-Tastic! is a single player mission based game and multiplayer deathmatch game in which you play as tanks. The single player mode has some missions to work through and there was some decent variety. The multiplayer mode allows up to four players locally to battle it out. The graphics are OK and are done in a sketch art style which works fine, I did find the enemy AI to be a bit tricky to fight against although playing for longer would probably work out patterns. It looks to be a fairly good game and should be worth checking out if you have some mates to play with. Tank-tastic costs 240 :MSPoints: and more information can be found here.

The Flashlight, I saved the best to last… yeah right. I am not bothering to review stupid programs that just turn your screen white. They may have some? use on mobile phones but not on a fucking TV, the sooner Microsoft ban rubbish like this the better. No link to Marketplace as it does not deserve it.

Titles that have received a software update or price change are Sqong and Megalopolis.

No trailers for this update as there were none for the new releases.


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