Our Xbox Indie Game of the Week is a platform game Obsessive Collecting Disorder. We also have a competition to win a copy of the game.
Obsessive Collecting Disorder – 80 :MSPoints: – Marketplace
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I like to call them punishment games, you know the ones where you have to navigate levels with pixel perfect accuracy and timing, if you die you go back to the beginning of the level and repeat. Super Meat Boy is the king of punishment games, fortunately Obsessive Collecting Disorder by Hyped Hamster is not as hardcore, more of a medium spanking than a full-on whipping 🙂 The game is set in a monochrome world and you must complete the levels by collecting all the coins as fast as possible, once they are all collected you make your escape via a portal, quite literally a ‘Portal’ portal, to the next level.
There are seventy levels in total which split are over seven stages. You can choose between two difficulties; Casual and Hardcore, the former giving infinite lives and the latter finite. At first you will be happy to complete the levels, navigating chainsaws, guns, lasers, monsters, disappearing platforms and other hazards which all cause instant death. Once you are familiar with the levels you can try to beat the times to get Gold medals. The difficulty curve is good, the first stages ease you in to the game and introduce new hazards at a good pace.
Graphically the game is quite basic with a simple but useable menu design, the minimal design extends to the game with black platforms and hazards, and the occasional splash of red with lasers and monsters. A fuzzy filter effect is used to represent an old television, you can turn this off from the options screen if you wish. The music tracks are pretty cool with a mix of mellow and more upbeat electronic tracks. Sounds effects are retro beeps and bops which work well with the theme.
Obsessive Collecting Disorder costs 80 :MSPoints: and represents good value for money. While not everyone may enjoy this genre of game, I definitely recommend giving it a try as it is well made and a lot of fun! Check out our gameplay video after the competition details below.
We have one more code to give away for Obsessive Collecting Disorder. To enter all you need to do is download the trial version (grab it here) and play it, then leave some feedback about the game in the comments below. The deadline to submit your comments is Sunday 15th July at 23:59:59 GMT, we will pick a winner at random on Monday. General competition rules can be read here. Good luck!