
Perfect Dark this Wednesday

The third of the House/Block Party promotion on Xbox Live Arcade hits the Marketplace on Wednesday. Agent Joanna Dark hit the ground running in Perfect Dark, an epic tale of galactic conspiracies in 2023 America. Now this classic shooter comes to Xbox LIVE Arcade, rendered in greater definition and detail and sporting a silkier framerate than ever before. Fire up your Farsight and prepare for assignment—the Dark returns this winter.

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Perfect Dark will cost 800 :MSPoints: and supports two players co-operatively locally or online, with up to four players locally and up to eight players online in new Xbox Live multiplayer modes. Perfect Dark is based on the original N64 code for full authenticity, with remastered graphics displaying at 1080p at 60 FPS. You can find more information on

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This is one of the most eagerly awaited XBLA releases so please let us know if you are a fan of the original and are buying the game in the comments below.


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