

JewelBeat Royalty Free Music

Producers on a tight (or no) budget often struggle with finding good resources to use in the productions such as videos, presentations and video games. Paying a graphics or music designer is out of the question, so Royalty Free…

Eurogamer Expo 2010 Round Up – Part Three

The third part of our Eurogamer Expo round up covers Rock Band 3, SOCOM, Crysis 2 on PC, Little Big Planet 2, Gears of War 3, Motorstorm Apocalypse, The Fight, Saw 2, Kirby: Epic Yarn.

Eurogamer Expo 2010 Round Up – Part Two

The second part of our Eurogamer Expo round up covers Hunted: The Demon’s Forge, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Medal of Honor, Bulletstorm, Donkey Kong Country Returns and Fallout: New Vegas. Hunted: The Demon’s Forge I had not heard much…

Eurogamer Expo 2010 Round Up – Part One

This years Eurogamer Expo took place at the true home of UK video game shows – Earls Court. I can remember going to my first games show there when I was around 13 (20 or so years ago) and…

A look back at PAX 2010

This year, I had the distinct pleasure of finally attending PAX, an event for me 8 years in the making. During this time I enjoyed going around all the booths to play demos of the games that are not…

8-Bit Music Versus the World

With the recent release of 3D Dot Game Heroes from Atlus Games, we’ve got 8-bit greatness on our minds. Below, we’ve compiled a list of 10 titles from the 8-bit era with fantastic soundtracks. 

Pay more for less?

The recently released Games On Demand feature for the Xbox 360 gives gamers the opportunity to purchase and download games from their Dashboard or PC to their 360 Hard Drive. One of the major talking points has unfortunately been…

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