

Sekiro Trophy List Revealed | NEWS

Just under two weeks now until you can get your hands on Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. There shouldn’t any real spoilers here but you might get an idea of what you can do in the game by checking out…

The Official Launch Trailer for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is Here| TRAILER

Ten more days until Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 launches, and today we get the official launch trailer for the upcoming sequel. Check it out and share your thoughts. Are you getting the game right away?

Four more days until the next numbered entry in the Devil May Cry series launches on Xbox, PC, and PlayStation.  Here’s a cool trailer showing some of the live action filming and motion work that it takes to make…

Check out the Launch Trailer for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice! | TRAILER

This is a launch trailer that you don’t want to miss – Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice launches in 11 more days, and if this trailer doesn’t get you excited then I’m not sure what will. Stunning visuals, methodical and…

Devil May Cry 5 – Final Trailer | NEWS

The world as we know it is falling apart after a sudden demonic invasion, and it’s up to Nero, Dante and the mysterious V to team up and face the ultimate challenge.   Check out the final trailer before the…

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 – Enter the Dark Zone | TRAILER

The open beta runs from March 1st through March 4th, check it out and you’ll receive an exclusive backpack trophy at launch. Until then, check out this new trailer from Ubisoft.

The Division 2 Will Receive A Full Year of Free Post-Launch Content | NEWS

The Division 2 launches in just over two weeks, and today Ubisoft is detailing the post-launch content and the benefits of having a Year 1 Pass as well. Check out a new video and all the details below.

Trials Rising Now Available | NEWS

Do you enjoy maiming yourself? Maybe you want to blow yourself up in a ball of fire, or fire yourself across a canyon but barely miss the edge and fall to a gruesome death? Here’s your chance because Trials…

Far Cry New Dawn | REVIEW

This week we checked out Far Cry New Dawn, the standalone addon to Far Cry 5 where we return to Hope County, Montana, seventeen years after the ending events from Far Cry 5. You play the role of…

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Endgame Trailer

This isn’t the end agents. The fight for our city…has only just begun.  Watch the Endgame trailer for Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 after the jump.

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