

Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas Review

0 2247
Originally a mobile game, Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas now makes its way to Steam.

No Man’s Sky – Gameplay Trailer

0 1431
Hello Games have shown off a fantastic new trailer for an upcoming PS4 title, No Man’s Sky. 

Randal’s Monday Review

0 2247
Randal’s Monday is a traditional point and click adventure game by new developers Nexus Games Studios.  Add in a ton of pop culture references and a few cult Clerks characters and you have a classic right?

Dying Light Dev Diary #1

0 2257
Dying Light is an anticipated title for many people – I’m one of them. While I’m not fully convinced that it’ll be everything I want it to be, it does look like it’ll be an enjoyable experience overall. Check…

Destiny – PlayStation Exclusives Trailer

0 1957
It’s been said time and time again – PlayStation will be the platform to choose if you want the truly full Destiny experience. To back up that statement, we’ve got this trailer to show off the PS exclusive content.

Destiny Launch Trailer Released

0 1819
Activision released the launch trailer for Destiny. September 9th can’t come soon enough!

REVIEW – The Last of Us Remastered

0 2184
I put life on hold this past week to play through The Last of Us: Remastered, and I have zero regrets about doing so. It’s safe to say that the original game is one of the best looking…

REVIEW: Magic 2015: Duels of the Planeswalkers

0 1946
Magic 2015 is here and things have changed when compared to its predecessors. Stainless Games has made a few changes and innovations, but it’s not really what we were hoping to see in some areas of the game.

Vertical Drop Heroes HD review

0 2197
Vertical Drop Heroes can originally be found on Kongregate as the developers, Nerdooks, most popular flash game with over two million plays! In its update to a full PC game it has undergone a variety of changes and…

REVIEW – Battle Fleet 2 (iOS)

0 2518
I’ve spent a few hours with a new iOS game this week called Battle Fleet 2, and it’s been an interesting experience, but also a challenging one. Developed by Capital j Media, Battle Fleet 2 is a wargame that…

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