

Call of Duty: Black Ops Review

0 2332
Call of Duty: Black Ops is amongst us all now, and it has already set a new bar for day one sales records with $360 million dollars in 24 hours. But, is Black Ops actually worth all the fuss,…

Goldeneye 007 Review

0 2304
The original Goldeneye for the N64 is one of the greatest games of all time, that’s a fact. It was the game which really showed how great console FPS can be, with fantastic graphics and game play as well…

James Bond 007: Blood Stone Review

0 2240
Bizarre Creations has brought up another adventure in the 007 series. Published by Activision, Blood Stone puts players in control of super spy, James Bond (voiced by Daniel Craig), and he’s off to save the world once again. ‘For…

Pinball FX2 Contest (Winners Announced!)

0 3627
Thanks to Mel at Zen Studios, we have three Classic and Core table packs for Pinball FX2 to give away for Free Stuff Friday. It’s time to ramp up your imagination and win yourself one of the most addictive…

Hydro Thunder Hurricane: Tempest Pack Review & Contest [Updated Winners!]

0 3505
Hydro Thunder Hurricane fans… it’s here! Vector has given us more of what we wanted, and the Tempest Pack is available now on Xbox LIVE. Here’s our thoughts, and a chance to win the DLC for yourself!

Pinball FX2 Review

0 2789
Pinball FX2 is the sequel to the popular pinball game released back in 2007 by ZEN Studios. The sequel offers a variety of improvements such as a new physics model for a more realistic experience, eight brand new tables…

Kirby’s Epic Yarn Review

0 5243
Kirby is the character of choice for me when I play Super Smash Bros Brawl. He is right up there alongside Mario and Link when it comes to iconic Nintendo characters. This is mainly due to the great Kirby…

Super Meat Boy Review

0 2700
Super Meat Boy is the long awaited platform game that takes inspiration from games such as the great N+. You play the character Super Meat Boy, a chunk of meat, whose girlfriend Bandage Girl has been kidnapped by the…

Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode 1 Review

0 3177
Sonic is one of the most iconic game characters of all time. In the day of the 16 bit era I was a huge fan and chose the blue mammal over the portly plumber. With the move to 3D,…

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Review

0 2031
Castlevania is one of the most treasured franchises in the business, yet each attempt at a 3D version has been widely considered as failure. Newcomer Mercury Steam felt they could change that, and they’ve brought us Castlevania: Lords of…

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