

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – 4K Gameplay Trailer | VIDEO

The open beta doesn’t start until September 15th, but if you’re looking for an early taste of what to expect in Black Ops 4, here’s a new trailer from Activision. Check out the multiplayer in glorious 4K quality.

Insurgency: Sandstorm Gamescom Trailer | VIDEO

Insurgency is probably one of the top 3 tactical shooters available to gamers, so it’s no wonder they’re making a sequel. Here’s the latest trailer from Gamescom 2018, showcasing some new footage and incredible gameplay from Sandstorm.

Valkyria Chronicles 4 – “Memoirs from Battle” Premium Edition Detailed | NEWS

Valkryia Chronicles 4 launches in a little under a month, and Sega has a pretty cool bundle available if you’re a really big fan of the franchise. Check out the details after the jump.

Trials Rising Gets a Release Date | NEWS

Trials fans, rejoice! We’ve got a date for the upcoming title, Trials Rising. Ubisoft will be launching their latest Trials game on February 12, 2019. Sure, there’s a bit of a wait but I’m sure you haven’t gotten all…

Mega Man 11 Arrives October 2018 | NEWS

Mega Man is back, although he’s never really been gone. Capcom confirmed this morning that he’ll be back to take on new robot masters created by Dr. Wily, and we’ll be joining him for the ride this October.

Ubisoft Releases E3 Conference Details | NEWS

E3 2018 runs from June 12-14, but as usual we’ll see the press conferences running prior to the main show. Ubisoft’s E3 conference will take place at the Orpheum Theatre on June 11 at 1:00 p.m. PT.

Pinball FX’s Star Wars – Ahch-To Island Arrives April 17th | TRAILER

Here’s the latest trailer for one of the two upcoming Star Wars tables joining the ever-growing collection in Zen Pinball

Masters of Anima Launches On PS4, Xbox, Switch & PC | NEWS

Fans of Overlord and the Pikmin games can rejoice today, thanks to the release of Masters of Anima. Developed by PASSTECH Games, Masters of Anima is an action RPG where you can raise and control minions to do your bidding…

The War Machine DLC Arrives in COD: WWII Today | NEWS

The latest DLC installment for Call of Duty – World War II launches today. Check out a few of the screens below and let us know how you like the new content.

Splinter Cells’ Sam Fisher Makes a Visit to the Wildlands | NEWS

Splinter Cell hero, Sam Fisher, is making a trip to the Wildlands. Check out the information below along with a special trailer for the occasion.

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