

Dragon Age 2 Legacy DLC trailer

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A new trailer for Dragon Age 2 Legacy DLC released July 26th is available to watch.

Burnout CRASH announced

0 1408
It has been rumored for months now and today EA have officially announced Burnout CRASH. Read on for more details.

L.A. Noire – Reefer Madness DLC trailer

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A new trailer for the next L.A. Noire DLC titled Reefer Madness just rolled up.

Driver: San Francisco Cars Revealed

0 1533
Driver: San Francisco will be arriving on August 30th but today we’ve got a full list of the cars that will be available in the game. Check out the reveal trailer and list below.

RAGE – Behind the Scenes – The Dawn

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We’re back with another look behind the scenes of RAGE – the upcoming shooter from Bethesda and iD Software. This time we take a look at “The Dawn” which shows the scale of the game and everything that’s included…

Bethesda Announces Dishonored

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Bethesda Softworks announced a new first person action title known as Dishonored this morning. Being developed by Arkane Studios, Dishonored is first prject for the studio since it was acquired by ZeniMax back in 2010.

‘Sploding Balls Coming to Pinball FX2

0 1230
We’re beginning to think the developers over at Zen Studios may never get breaks and we can imagine them being chained to their desks and being whipped by garden gnomes. This just in – Twisted Pixel and Zen Studios…

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North – Movie Touchpoints Trailer

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A new video for The Lord of the Rings: War in the North shows the intersection of the story from the film and the game.

Toy Soldiers: Cold War – Commando Barrage!

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Signal Studios released a new trailer highlighting the Commando character for their sequel to the excellent Toy Soldiers game out next month.

SSX Animated Comics: Moby & Kaori

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Two new animated comics for EA’s SSX featuring the characters Moby and Kaori are now available to watch.

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