

Gears of War 3 screenshots

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New screenshots for Gears of War 3 showing the Horde mode and the campaign have been released from Gamescom today.

DmC Devil May Cry screenshots and trailer

0 1932
New screenshots and a trailer from Gamescom for Capcom’s DmC Devil May Cry.

Dragon’s Dogma Screenshots

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New screenshots have been released for Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma.

Batman: Arkham City to be playable in 3D

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It may come as no surprise as you could on the first Batman game, but Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC owners will be able to play in stereoscopic 3D.

Street Fighter X Tekken Gamescom trailer

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A new trailer has been released for Street Fighter X Tekken.

Behind the Scenes: Spider-Man: Edge of Time, Laura Vandervoort

0 1379
The first of three behind the scenes trailers for Spider-Man: Edge of Time features Laura Vandervoort who voices Mary Jane.

Trials Evolution playable at Gamescom

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Attendees to this years Gamescom in Germany can see and more importantly play the eagerly anticipated Trials Evolution.

Batman: Arkham City – Mr. Freeze Trailer

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Chill out with Mr. Freeze in the new trailer for Batman: Arkham City

Xbox Indie Game Round Up – Episode 125

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This weeks Xbox Indie Game Round Up includes Zombies ruined my day, Blow Me Up, Avatar Farm! and Andromium.

Indie Games Summer Uprising release dates announced

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Here is the release schedule for the Xbox Indie Games Summer Uprising.

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